Made in Mixed Reality

Exciting to explore new workflows using Fologram tools with Hololens AR visor integrated with Rhino and Grasshopper!

Using QR markers and Fologram we were able to easily place, visualize and manipulate our 3d model in full scale on our shop table to create jigs and verify our forms: we used layers of those digital models to layout, measure, tag, cut, drill, bend materials; and finally place and rivet them together them in physical space.

Check out the Metamorphosis project at Potrero Gateway which used these tools to create the aluminum welding jigs. It is currently hard to accurately document this hybrid process but we hope these images capture the essence of what is possible using mixed reality work flows!

We are excited to continue exploring with these tools in upcoming art and architecture projects! Thanks to our team for patiently exploring and learning and thanks to the team at Fologram!