Drift by Futureforms

Project in Progress

To drift is to be carried slowly by a current of air or water. Drift is a buoyant sculpture in a state of suspended animation. A gathering of lightweight forms appear to drift together across the sky while creating a playful dialogue with their surroundings. To some the floating forms might be reminiscent of strange cloud formations, intricately woven baskets or mysterious sea creatures. 

To others, the woven forms might represent something more abstract and ethereal. Most importantly they create a playful and contemplative experience that is dynamic, layered and varied. 

Drift establishes a visually striking entry element for the medical campus. The sculpture’s suspended forms are experienced from many viewpoints: from exterior pedestrian pathways and cars; from inside the hospital, the cafe and the balcony above. Drift establishes an ephemeral focal point for pause and contemplation.

Date: 2022-Present
Location: Boca Raton, FL

Lead Artists: Jason Kelly Johnson & Nataly Gattegno
Artist Team: Jason Kelly Johnson (lead) & Nataly Gattegno, with Brian McKinney, Carlos Sabogal, Chris Leo, Natalie Abbott, Eve Tobey, Clayton Williams

Fabrication Partner: FARM / UAP